Tuesday 15 July 2014

Simple Green Smoothie

Green smoothies are everywhere...

And there's really nothing to making one. The only reason I've blogged this, is because I was curious as to how many calories were in a serving, which meant I had to weigh what I used (rather than just bunging handfuls into the blender) then calculate the calories of each ingredient - so I might as well write it down while I'm at it! You don't need a recipe, you can just use your imagination, or have a look here or on Google for some great green smoothie ideas. And remember - if you're using them as a vehicle to get fruit and vegetables into your kids, you need to give them an appealing name - maybe something to do with Kermit, or the Incredible Hulk etc. depending on their age and preferences! (Or just tell them it's yours and they can't have any...)

This one is nice and mild and refreshing, so a great introduction if you haven't had one before (or you're trying to get someone else to try one).

Serves two (easily doubled), 125 calories per serving [calories in square brackets].


80g (half a small pack) baby leaf spinach [24]
1 kiwi, skinned (about 50g) [28]
2 small apples (e.g. Gala, 120g flesh) [64]
1 large banana, skinned and frozen in chunks (or use fresh, and substitute some of the liquid for a large handful of ice cubes - 110g) [98]
200ml coconut water (e.g. Vita Coco - or use coconut milk / almond milk / rice milk / apple juice and increase calories) [36]

Green smoothie
Wash and drain the spinach and all the fruit first. Chop the skinned kiwi into 3 or 4 chunks (or you can cut in half with skin on, and scoop out the flesh with a teaspoon, if you find this easier). Core the apples and cut into about 8 pieces each.

Put all the ingredients into a good food blender / processor and process until smooth (Thermomix Speed 10 / 2 minutes). Pour into 2 glasses and enjoy!

Mix it up
If you enjoyed this, now try mixing it up with other fruit such as pears and avocados instead of apple and bananas, or cucumber, celery and pineapple. Swap the spinach for kale or lettuce, throw in some ginger for a zing, a little fresh parsley, basil or mint, a squeeze of lemon or lime juice, click on the link about for more ideas, or Google for more inspiration, and try anything you fancy!

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